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Dentures – Los Angeles, CA

How You Can Bring Back Your Smile

Are you missing several teeth throughout your mouth? Do you no longer have any teeth whatsoever, making it impossible to live your life comfortably? With highly customized dentures from OraBell Dental Implant Centers - including our own brand of dentures; you can start making your oral health and whole body wellness a priority! Give our dental office a call today and we’ll get you set up for a consultation to discuss dentures with our Los Angeles, CA dentists!

What Types of Dentures are Available?

An older woman with dentures smiling

While there are many traditional types of dentures available in dentistry today, OraBell Dental Implant Centers is proud to offer unique types of dentures that work to resolve common setbacks that often accompany the highly-known prosthesis. This includes our own brand of dentures.

Our brand of dentures are designed to remove the “sunken look” that can occur after wearing dentures for many years at a time. In order to provide this denture, dentists need to receive training at the Las Vegas Institute for Aesthetic Dentistry from Dr. Michael Reece. Our brand of dentures use your existing jawbone as a bedrock for a cantilevered denture, which is crafted specifically to return your profile as close as possible to its original proportions.

Keep in mind that you can also receive a partial denture if you have multiple teeth missing on opposite sides of the mouth, but still have healthy teeth. In this instance, partial dentures can be designed to fit inside your mouth like a puzzle piece. Through the use of metal hooks, they can wrap around existing teeth to remain stable.

The Advantages of Our Dentures

Dentist explaining how New You Dentures in Los Angeles work

Our brand of dentures are designed to help you prevent the “sunken look” that often occurs with denture use. It also helps you maintain optimal muscle relaxation, bite, and function, all while making your smile look more natural and attractive. In some cases, patients look decades younger, which just goes to show how much of a difference a beautiful smile can make.

Our dentures are ideal for those who may have heard about implant dentures, but don’t want to spend as much money to replace teeth. As a result, our superior dentures work to help people who’d prefer to replace teeth on a budget.

Are You a Candidate for Dentures?

An older woman with dentures smiling outside

If you are missing several or all of your teeth, chances are you’re a perfect candidate for dentures. However, you should also have healthy gums and no tooth decay that requires treatment ahead of time. During your consultation, you can expect to have a thoughtful and productive conversation with one of our dentists at OraBell Dental Implant Centers. They are experts in providing solutions for those with lost, missing, or extracted teeth.

Understanding the Cost of Dentures

Portrait of smiling senior woman with beautiful new dentures

One of the most common questions our patients ask us about dentures is regarding cost. We can’t provide you with an estimate until you come in for your complimentary missing teeth examination, but we can assure you that dentures are an excellent value. Below, you will learn more about some factors that affect their price and how you may be able to fit them into your budget.

Factors that Affect the Cost of Dentures

Full and partial dentures arranged against neutral background

Some of the factors that influence the cost of dentures in Los Angeles include:

  • Preparatory treatments. You might require some extractions, gum disease treatment, or other treatments before you are able to receive dentures.
  • The materials used to make your prosthetic. The base of dentures is usually made out of acrylic, while the teeth can be made of acrylic or porcelain. The prices of these materials can vary depending on their source and quality.
  • The type of denture you receive. Dentures come from various manufacturers and come in different forms.

Keep in mind that “cheap” dentures may skimp on quality — be wary of any bargains that seem too good to be true!

Are Implant Dentures More Expensive?

Illustration of implant dentures for lower arch against dark background

Yes, implant dentures in Los Angeles come with a higher initial cost than traditional dentures. The dental implant process is complex and requires several months to complete, so it naturally incurs higher fees. But we strongly encourage all patients to seriously consider getting implant dentures because they are stronger, sturdier, and more natural-feeling than traditional ones. They also feature a long life expectancy. In fact, they may last so long that over the course of a few decades, they might actually help you save money over prosthetics that need to be replaced every 5 – 7 years.

Does Dental Insurance Cover Dentures?

Dental benefits claim form with pen and glasses

Most dental insurance plans consider dentures to be a major procedure, so they are usually covered at about 50%, up to the amount of a plan’s annual maximum. This means that your insurance might save you hundreds of dollars! Even though we are not in-network with any insurance companies, our team accepts payment from many PPO plans. We will do everything in our power to help you understand and maximize your benefits.

Other Options for Making Dentures Affordable

Smiling mature couple, glad they could afford dentures

As your denture dentist in Los Angeles, we want you to be able to afford your new smile. That is why we offer a few provisions that may be able to help you manage the cost of your new teeth:

  • A complimentary missing teeth examination. You can learn more about your road to rebuilding your smile for nothing out of pocket.
  • We are partnered with CareCredit and GreenSky. Most patients qualify for financing through one of these companies, and many of the payment plans they offer come with little to no interest. It is even possible that you won’t have to put anything down to get started with treatment.

Are you ready to learn more about dentures and their cost? Schedule a consultation with OraBell Dental Implant Centers today!

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