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Sedation Dentistry –  Los Angeles, CA

Keep Calm During
Your Dental Visits

If you’re someone who finds it difficult to complete dental visits because you always feel anxious, nervous, or fearful prior to or during your appointments, just know that you’re not the only one. In fact, millions of patients every year skip their necessary dental visits because they are too afraid or simply can’t relax while in the dental chair. That’s why OraBell Dental Implant Centers offers multiple options for sedation dentistry in  Los Angeles, CA, each with varying degrees of strength, so you can get the care you need with safe and effective sedatives provided by our accommodating dentists.

Why Choose OraBell Dental Implant Centers for Sedation Dentistry?

Nitrous Oxide Dental Sedation

Woman with nitrous oxide dental sedation mask

For those looking for a mild sedative to keep them calm at the start of their dental treatment or checkup, nitrous oxide is a great starting point. This sedative comes in the form of a gas that is inhaled during your treatment, generally through a nasal mask. As you begin breathing it in, you’ll begin to feel incredibly relaxed and even slightly euphoric, making dental treatments like cleanings, exams, fillings, and everything in between much easier to complete. Once treatment is complete, we remove the mask and you can go about your day as normal.

Oral Conscious Dental Sedation

Patient holding oral conscious dental sedation pill

Those with more moderate levels of anxiety or nervousness will find oral conscious sedation to be more appropriate for their needs. This sedative comes in the form of a pill that is taken an hour or so before your treatment occurs. The effects of this sedative are stronger, which means you will need to have a friend or family member drive you to and from the dental office. The calming effects of the sedative do take some time to wear off, so make sure you set aside time to relax after treatment if you decide to visit in the middle of the day.

IV Dental Sedation

Man smiling after I V dental sedation visit

The strongest form of sedation dentistry we offer is IV dental sedation, which is provided intravenously to the patient. It is a very powerful sedative that puts you into a deep state of relaxation and is easily controllable by the dentist, much like nitrous oxide sedation. With that said, you will not be put to sleep, therefore, this should not be confused with general anesthesia. Much like oral conscious sedation, the effects are powerful enough to require having a friend or family member drive you to and from the dental office. The effects can also take several hours to fully wear off, so keep this in mind should you choose IV dental sedation.

Sedation Dentistry FAQs

Woman with questions about sedation dentistry in Los Angeles on blue background

With our trusted sedation dentistry options, you can keep calm during your dental visits so you can get the care you need comfortably. We want you to feel 100% confident in any service you choose here at OraBell Dental Implant Centers, so we’re more than happy to fully answer any questions you may have about dental sedation. For your convenience, we’ve gathered some of the most common questions we get about sedation dentistry below so you can learn more about it. Of course, if you don’t see the answers you’re looking for below, we’re only a phone call away!

Is Sedation Dentistry Safe?

We offer three forms of sedation dentistry, all of which are safe, trusted, and reliable. Our team of highly experienced dental professionals will ensure you have precisely the right amount of sedation to stay both comfortable and healthy. They take into account a wide variety of factors including your current health and previous medical history to determine which type of sedation will be the most effective and beneficial for you. Throughout your treatment, our team will carefully monitor your vital signs and can make any necessary adjustments as needed to prioritize your safety and comfort.

Will I Remember Anything with Dental Sedation?

Another reason why sedation dentistry is very safe is that it does not put you to sleep or knock you unconscious. This surprises many patients since they often don’t remember most or any of their appointment. With sedation dentistry, you’ll remain conscious enough to respond to basic instructions and answer simple questions from our team, but you’ll be oblivious to the sights, sounds, and sensations that would normally cause you anxiety. In fact, some patients feel so relaxed that they drift off to sleep during their treatment! However, they can be awoken easily. You may remember bits and pieces of your appointment with nitrous oxide sedation or oral conscious sedation, but you are unlikely to remember anything of your time with IV sedation.

What Does It Feel Like to Be Sedated at the Dentist’s?

Being sedated with sedation dentistry feels slightly different from patient to patient, and it will also vary depending on the type of sedation you’ll be using:

  • Nitrous oxide sedation: With nitrous oxide sedation, you’ll likely feel light, relaxed, and euphoric. Some patients feel silly or giggly, which is where it gets the nickname “laughing gas.” Nitrous oxide wears off quickly, so you’ll return to your normal level of consciousness moments after your treatment.
  • Oral conscious sedation: Oral conscious sedation achieves a deeper level of relaxation, and speaking clearly may become more difficult. Many patients drift off to sleep with oral conscious sedation. You’ll begin to feel relaxed before your appointment and will continue to feel groggy for several hours afterward as the sedation wears off.
  • IV sedation: As the most powerful form of dental sedation, you’ll feel many of the same effects as you would with oral conscious sedation, but amplified. You may feel “heavy,” especially in your arms and legs, and time may seem to pass more slowly. You should plan on resting for the rest of the day, as IV sedation can take quite some time to wear off completely.

Is Sedation Dentistry Covered By Dental Insurance?

Every dental insurance policy takes a difference stance on how much coverage sedation dentistry should receive, so it’s difficult to answer this question without first looking at the details of your plan. Our knowledgeable team would be happy to do so with you and ensure your benefits are being maximized. Regardless of your insurance coverage, you may be interested in financing options through CareCredit or Green Sky Financial. Above all this, at OraBell Dental Implant Centers, we see you as a person, not just a number. We’ll work with you personally to help you understand your financial options and recommend a plan that works best for you.

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